this summer our incredible friend writer and inspiration Nikki Duncan-Smith
reached out to us to ask if we'd be interested in being Judges at this years
N.A.A.C.P Act-So Competition
of course we JUMPED at the opportunity to be a part of this
The Academic, Cultural, Technological and Scientific Olympics,
better known as ACT-SO, is the NAACP’s pioneering youth enrichment program
designed to recruit, stimulate, improve and encourage high academic
and cultural achievement among African American high school students.
ACT-SO attracts some of the nation’s most gifted high school students.
Its past participants occupy a wide array of careers ranging from
executive positions to entertainment.
Famed ACT-SO alumni include musician Kanye West,
actress Jada Pinkett-Smith, filmmaker John Singleton and comedian Anthony Anderson.
we had an great time interacting with these incredibly talented teens
many of their stories inspired us like nothing else could.
we were blessed to judge the emotion driven Poetry competition.. all we can say!

one perk of being a judge was the daily meals
"New York 4 star hotel quality spreads...yum!!"

Here is the room we were given as a home base for the poetry completion


our dear friend Nikki and her amazingly talented powerhouse..Eden!!

Precise & Eden enjoying the breakfast buffet at the Marriot in Times square..

entering the style

at the orientation Dinner

one of the many buffet stations...GREAT food!!